Australian Foundation for Healing Touch Inc (AFHT)

About Us

(AFHT) Australian Foundation for Healing Touch Inc is a non-profit membership and educational organisation established in 1997 to administer and coordinate the expansion of Healing Touch in Australia.

Among our key tasks is to administer the training towards the certification process for Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors including the implemention of strict standards of practice and code of conduct.

We also support Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors as they develop, practice and serve communities worldwide.

Healing Touch International, trading as Healing Beyond Borders, certifies Healing Touch Practitioners and Instructors, coordinates Healing Touch research, assists integration of Healing Touch into healthcare settings, and promotes the work of Healing Touch around the world.

Our Mission is to:

  • Support Practitioners to provide heart-felt healing service to individuals.
  • Create opportunities to encourage complementary therapists to incorporate Healing Touch into their healing practice.
  • Design and deliver innovative activities for communities to embrace energy healing.
  • Provide education to support Practitioners in building successful businesses.
  • Develop and expand communication networks for students and Practitioners.
  • Encourage and maintain support for ongoing research projects related to energy therapy.

We are committed to ensuring that people of all abilities are able to participate fully in all aspects of Healing Touch, including the learning pathways provided and that people with a disability have equal access, inclusion and opportunity at every stage of their Healing Touch journey.

AFHT is administered by an elected Board of Management.

The Board is made up of experienced AFHT members from across Australia.

The AFHT President/Chair also leads an enthusiastic team of coordinators who liaise with members and board members on education, promotion and member/Practitioner support functions.

We are responsible for providing Healing Touch training within the required curriculum and for encouraging Practitioners to work within the Code of Ethics and International Standards of Practice set by Healing Beyond Borders.

We provide and facilitate training with an emphasis on the support of our members and ongoing research to provide the best techniques possible. As such we offer scholarship funding for courses and research projects.

The Foundation also supports a volunteer network to expand the work of Healing Touch in hospitals, aged care facilities and more. The goal is to empower people of all ages to activate the innate wisdom of the body to self regulate and heal all aspects of the self.

The Healing Beyond Borders HTI Healing Touch Certificate Program is approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association (AHNA) as a continuing education approved provider.

The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS) and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) recognise AFHT course graduates with Continued Professional Education/Development points.

Australian Foundation for Healing Touch Incorporated (AFHT)
Policy Regarding Access and Support for Individuals with Disability – Download (PDF)

Our Vision

Bring, inspiration and innovation for healing and wellness through energy therapy.

Code of Ethics

AFHT Practitioners operate under the International Code of Ethics.


Learn more about the rich history of Healing Touch and how far it has expanded today.

Meet our Council Members

Take a moment to get to know our team of friendly and enthusiastic volunteers.

Susan Ashton

Chairperson | Website | NSW State Rep

Susie Nash

Vice Chairperson | Meditation | Practitioner Rep

Jill Taylor

Secretary | Coordinator Rep

Julene McDonald

Treasurer | NSW State Rep

Dr Rosalie Van Aken

Program Coordinator | International Rep | Instructor Rep

Glenda Audsley

Assistant Program Coordinator | VIC State Rep

Gen Lyons

General Council Member | WA State Rep

Leeanne Spencer

Promotions | Marketing | QLD State Rep

Lisa de Buck

Promotions | FaceBook | QLD State Rep

I leave a Healing Touch session feeling more grounded, relaxed and calmer than before I climbed onto the table.
New South Wales
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